
My latest writing on design, freelancing and making stuff happen.
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A machine for dreaming

Sometimes when I wake in the morning, in that halfway state between sleep and being awake, I can see words scrolling in front of me as if a newspaper is...

4 tips for finding work you love

If you’re a TED talk fan, the chances are fairly high that you’re already familiar with a presentation on “The power of introverts” by the American writer Susan Cain. If...

I thought I was an alien

Seriously. Around the age of ten or so, I wasn't sure if I was human or not.  For some reason I had cooked up a theory that I was an...

Everything I know about Chinese food

I was sitting eating pot stickers in Chinatown on Sunday and suddenly realised I’d rather eat them over a traditional British roast dinner on any day of the week. (I’m...